Since Jack was good enough to blog his attempt at a romantic Friday the 13th, I must respond in my defense. I had obligated myself to deliver a dinner on the 14th to friends who recently had a baby. We knew our entire afternoon/evening would be spent in Mt. Vernon at a trampoline meet on Valentine's Day, so I kept debating whether to deliver the day before, or just the morning of the 14th. For various reasons, like forgetting to write a list for Costco and not having my new debit card yet (a long story), I was just not pulling things together in advance. I wasn't worried though, I had until Saturday morning. So....why was Jack insisting on trying to schedule my delivery? Any time I said I was going somewhere, he would ask if I was also going to deliver the meal as well. Now, I might give him a "honey do" list now and again, but I don't try to organize his schedule. It was as though he didn't trust me to meet my commitment. I finally told him via IM that I was going to bite his nose if he didn't stop it. Five minutes later I had a phone call from him, confessing to his ulterior motives. I felt a little sheepish, but not nearly as bad as when we got our first Christmas tree, 22 years ago!
Little Valentine Cookie Makers