Thursday, November 19, 2009

The WhaleTrail project

The recent news of a baby orca in J pod makes for an excellent opportunity to mention that there is also a baby non-profit organization focused on identifying locations to view orca’s from the shores of Puget Sound. It’s called the WhaleTrail and the brainchild of friend Donna Sandstrom. [Full disclosure: I’m a member of the WhaleTrail Board of Directors and helping to get things started] This is such a cool idea – there are so many places you can see whales all within a short distance of the Seattle metropolitan area. Look for more information about this exciting new project in the coming months - and in the meantime keep an eye out for that baby orca! 12/9/09: Here is a community blog article featuring Donna.
4/24/10: The City of Langley, WA declares that is it the official Whale Trail city on it's annual Welcome the Whales Day.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Cian's Jelly fish

Cian (5) drew a great looking jelly fish in art class. Watch out for those tentacles - they're dangerous!

Jelly fish 11.13.09

Colin Art

Colin's first try at Photoshop Elements comes out with what could be an award winning piece of self-portrait art. And he didn't even use the incredible self-portrait machine (though a Canon TX1 camera, Mom's Sony laptop, and Photoshop Elements 7 are definitely 'machines'). Here is Colin's work:

Colin (9) self-portrait

Monday, November 09, 2009

City church Small Groups

As the City Church started making Small Groups, also known as City Groups, Mom and Dad decided they wanted to be Small group leaders and started hosting their Small group every Sunday at 3:30.The Teaching they used was all about Winning in hard Financial times. They used Kenneth Copeland Ministries teaching and books while also printing out little papers that had stuff about the message.In fact, its pretty fun getting to host a Small group except for the fact that we have to clean the day before. But overall hosting the Small group is very fun. -Emma (10)
CityGroup Adults 11.8.09