1. Four Whale Trail signs installed along Highway 112 on the Olympic Peninsula. See the picture below from Freshwater Bay in Clallam County.
2. Today the newest sign was dedicated at the Salt Creek Recreation Area just outside of Port Angeles, WA.
3. The website has been updated. Check it out at: www.thewhaletrail.org!
All of this is pretty amazing - this concept was a dream that a friend and co-worker (now former co-worker) Donna Sandstrom had for years. When she 'retired' and then asked me to be a part of the Board of Directors a year and half ago I was sold on the idea but dubious that things would be able to execute so quickly. This is a real testament to Donna's perseverance, on the job project management training at Adobe, and a deep passion for a cause she believes in. Congratulations Donna!

Whale Trail signage
Freshwater Bay, Clallam County, WA