Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Usually for New Year's Eve we go to Gail's brother and sister-in-law's house up the street to bring in the new year. What do we do to stay up that late?
Colin and friend Pedro played Kinect soccer:
Rilla and Cian played with cousin Sterling on the GameCube in the living room:
Caleb and Emma did computer-things with Quinn and Kyna in the computer room:
And a few of the adults worked on a 1k piece jigsaw puzzle:
btw: the jigsaw puzzle wasn't finished before the new year. Anyway, here's to an awesome 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hike around Lake Tye

Today we dodged the rain-squalls and braved a wind-chill to do a quick hike around Lake Tye in Monroe, WA. It might have been too cool for Ray(out visiting from Pensacola, FL) but all persevered...only a few complaints were heard from younger members of the group. Here is a shot that Colin took on his Sony Cyber-Shot.
Hike at Lake Tye 12.28.10

Friday, December 24, 2010

2010 Christmas Newsletter

Here is this year's post-card sized Christmas newsletter which we inserted into the Yuen Lui photo-cards. We had these printed at Cascadia Copy and Print in Snohomish. They did a great job - just taking the PDF that was created out of InDesign (no problem with the transparent background or drop shadows).

Christmas newsletter 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Tree 2010

Here is the Brenchley Christmas Tree 2010. We only had one ornament break this year!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cian at the gym

Here is a short video of Cian at the Gym...

Monday, December 06, 2010

Recent Whale News

Here is some recent Puget Sound whale news:
Researchers think injured whale seen in Totten Inlet near Olympia will die - Environment - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington
Interestingly Caleb and Jack have personally meet both Brad Hanson of NOAA and John Calambokidis of Cascadia Research featured in these articles at Whale Trail events over this past year.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Emma's 12th Birthday!!!

The day before my birthday my dad and I picked up my friend Cheyenne and went to Starbucks Coffee and got drinks. Chey slept over that night and went to church with us on my birthday. After shopping and arriving home again, Chey and I went dunking for marshmallows: a big bowl of whipped cream with a jumbo marshmallow hidden inside and chocolate sause drizzled on top.
See an image Dad took on his phone here.

Later that evening we all watched "The Spy Next Door", a movie from Netflix with Jackie Chan in it. Mom and I took Chey home at around 8:30 and came back and went to bed.
