This day marks the second day after Kyle and Jungmin’s official wedding ceremony. The pace really picked up Thursday evening, after Ray flew in from Florida for the event. Gail and Emma (7) picked him up, and all managed to stay awake well past bedtime, especially as the Ostling clan came over to greet Papa Ray.
With renting tuxes, buying roses for the cake, delivering software and cake cutting accessories, and making apple crisp for a combined family dinner, Friday simply flew by. Saturday meant rehearsal for Emma and Papa Ray – the only ones needing our help with transportation. The Ostlings arrived very late with a broken side window in their van. Something hit the window on the last stretch of freeway on the way to rehearsal.
The wedding was unique, as the ceremony was done by a Buddhist leader of Jungmin’s church. Following was a Korean ceremony, which involved bowing to one’s elders, offering them saki, and having them throw dates, chestnuts, and money at Jungmin. Kyle also got to give his bride, mother, and mother-in-law piggy back rides. We are not sure what this insight to Korean culture tells us!
In addition to the wedding activities, we had a logging load of wood delivered, so now Jack has decided on his hobby for the season. Chainsaw workout, with splits to follow. Caleb (10) is helping by hauling billets to the red barn with the tractor. The littles and middles use the cut logs to make playhouses.