Monday, September 05, 2005

The whole family (well all those that can write) is working on journals. I’ve been designated as the blog organizer/uploader – we’ll even publish it online! So far our family website is over a year out of date and sorely needs an upgrade. For now we will start our family blogosphere locally – eventually it will posted for the world to see in real-time.

Today is Labor Day and the whole family did labor; working on those end of Summer chores. Mentally I’m not ready to leave Summer behind. Not enough kick-back time; not enough time kicking back in one of the hammocks, not enough time exploring the back acreage with the kids, not enough time on the boat, not enough time where everything is done and you stop and say, “Hey, I’m all caught up and there is nothing else I can think of that needs to be done. Maybe I’ll go online and read the sports section.” Actually I’m not a sports fan, so I’d have to pretty bored to even suggest this. Needless to say, things are always hopping here and there will always be one more thing that needs to be done – good thing I don’t really care how the Mariners are hitting this year.

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