Sunday, May 27, 2012

Outdoor School 2012b

From May 17-19 we went to Outdoor School and I had a blast. One of my favorite things we did was going to the Ape Caves--it was amazing. Inside the mile-long cave, it was mostly downhill except for the rock falls. There was a glittering slime/goop on the walls that would shine if you shone your flashlight on it. I also enjoyed the trip on Mt St Helens. We got to go to a museum. I learned lots of stuff I didn't know, like how the sound waves went up and above the mountain so people right around it didn't hear it explode. We also we went to an Observatory where it had very beautiful views. Inside, there was a full scale model of blown-up Mt St Helens, a “make your own earthquake” exhibit, and a theater. Here are pictures of the ape caves and Mt St Helens!  -Colin :)

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