Here are some snow blog reports from the Brenchley kids. See more images at our Photobucket
snow site.
"It snowed very hard and high last week.and we built a giant snowman. We also sledded on our hill. that is a road. and it was fun!!!!!" - Colin (8)

"We went sleding down the road while there was lots of snow.We had so much fun! And when we got home we had popcorn,hot cocoa and watched a movie." - Emma (10)

"My snow blog - We got snow, on the week of Christmas! On the first day it was 6 inches at 19.8ยบ The truck door's seals were frozen and when Dad finally hairdriered the driver door open the engine wouldn't start. And we had to hairdrier the hood and charge it too. Then a blizzard hit and some places it was 4 inches and some was 2 feet! Papa Ray landed safely, and Alaskans may laugh but this is our storm of the century!" - Caleb (12)
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