Sunday, August 04, 2019

Boat Trip Day 4: Garrison to Sucia

Hello! Day 4 was our shortest travel day: only four hours. Since we had time in the morning (and Emma really wanted coffee) we headed to Roche Harbor in our dinghy. We explored the town, Emma and Dad got their coffee, we took some pictures... all that fun stuff. During our sail to Sucia, Dad and I saw a large sea lion near Speiden Island! Waiting for the anchor to catch at Sucia Island, we kids sped around in the dinghy. I got to drive the Zodiac! For the rest of the day we hiked the island and lounged around the boat. Adios!
Emma with her coffee
Roche Harbor
Me driving the dinghy
Caught a broken crab pot while raising the anchor
Best parents in the world!
Sucia Island


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